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On the second week of February world’s leading meeting place for Scandinavian design – Stockholm Furniture and Light Fair 2018 – took place. The fair filled a space as big as 40 000 square meters with the freshest interior and lighting innovations. Oot-Oot visited the fair and checked out which new products, materials, economic and technological solutions have been brought on the design market.

Similarly to previous years, the fair area was divided into three main halls and also into a section to display the work of independent designers and design schools.

 Источник: oot-oot.com

Источник: oot-oot.com

Concentrated and quality design

The Fair stood out primarily for solutions that were dwelled from user-friendliness, compact structure and durability. Such keywords in design have mostly set ground due to the growing need for multifunctional furniture that can be used in both private and open spaces. Quality and concentration are most definitely adjectives that describe the exhibitions of this year’s furniture fair.

Environmentally sustainable lighting

Developments in the lighting design were also not left unnoticed. Economic LED technology has broken ground for new solutions that could not be achieved before. This has given a playground to experiment not only with new shapes but also with the intensity of the light and colour.

 Источник: oot-oot.com

Источник: oot-oot.com

Warm colour, black metal and suede are in

Scandinavian design is known for bright tones, clear lines, natural materials and minimalistic shapes. These features applied also at the fair. However, effect of the world’s colour trends could be observed. Many companies demonstrated products in the colour of Terracotta or emerald green. Black slim metal legs and soft fabrics like velvet and suede dominated the soft furniture products.

The rise of the Scandinavian design

Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair, being a meeting place for more than 700 design companies from 35 different countries, is a part of Stockholm Design Week. This year the fair attracted more than 400 000 visitors, architects and design professionals over the world which is 6.5% higher compared to previous year. First time held in 1951, Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair has grown into the biggest Nordic design fair in the world.

 Источник: oot-oot.com

Источник: oot-oot.com


Опубликовано: 14.02.2018

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