Artikkelit ja uutiset
Architectural photography exhibition in Tallinn
European Architectural Photography Prize 2013 „Im Brennpunkt | Focus of Attention“ exhibition in Tallinn.12.07 – 31.08.2014
Wed – Fri 11:00–18:00
Sat, Sun 10:00–18:00
The European Architectural Photography Prize has been organized and awarded since 2005 by the non-profit organization Architekturbild e.v based in Stuttgart. The international reputation and popularity of the prize has gained over the years, there are usually over 200 works submitted. The competition is held on a particular theme every other year. The work consists of four photos, in addition to the first prize two honorable mentions was awarded. In the exhibition the selection of the best works will be displayed, 28 series altogether. The lavishly illustrated catalogue is also available in the museum shop.
Lisätty: 14.07.2014
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