Artikkelit ja uutiset
Guided tours of contemporary architecture in Tallinn
Estonian Centre of Architecture organizes guided tours of contemporary architecture in Tallinn. Our professional tour guides speak English, Finnish, German and French. Our tours take in a variety of historic and contemporary architecture.Tour guides
Our tour guides are people with a passion for architecture – architects, architecture graduates, critics as well as urbanists. Each tour guide is specially trained to conduct a particular tour. Our professional tour guides speak English, Finnish, German and French.
Tailored Tours
We offer tailored tours of Tallinn according to the interests of each particular group. We can arrange a tour according to your preference of time, date as well as content.
Prices of our guided tours depend on the number of participants and the necessity of a bus. Each guided group has to have at least 5 participants.
Please contact us for additional information and for addressing your specific wishes!
Learn more about Estonian Centre of Architecture
About us!
Lisätty: 11.07.2014
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