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Diesel Open Workshop - something for industrial design admirers

The result of a partnership between the Diesel Living team and Scavolini, Diesel Open Workshop is a new chapter following on from the astounding success of the Diesel Social Kitchen, "a new idea" that is set to be just as successful, if not outright more effective in evocative terms.



Diesel Open Workshop - the kitchen restyled with an industrial twist. Just like a workshop, the kitchen consists of several functional areas with various languages and materials. Inspiration plays the starring role; not just in the elements which characterise the design, but in the very essence of the project: the strict alternating blocks and voids, the painstaking care for details, the pursuit of the perfect materials make this a “simple” design, yet concurrently an absolutely mesmerising vision.



The modular structures of the Steel tubes mark the rhythm of this kitchen uniquely, with a stylistic approach capable of merging and enhancing shapes, functionality, vintage spirit with contemporary styling. Impeccable care for details, which makes up the genuine personality of this kitchen, in the profiles of the handles incorporated into the door, the frame of the doors themselves and of the shelves, the feet and the corner elements, designed to lend the system a unique appearance.



Explore more from web-site and further information via e-mail

Lisätty: 31.10.2017

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