Furniture Restorer Jaanus Pihelgas-saddle-upholstery
Furniture Restorer Jaanus Pihelgas-saddle-upholstery / Description
Here are some good tidings to you: the company Jaanus Pihelgas & Co has been in the business of sale of antique furniture for a 26 years.
Tothis day we have completed more than 4000 works.
We are a cabinet-making and wood restoration outfit. We can boast of experienced craftsmen in our employ, who abide by the time honoured standards of restoration and conservation.
In conservation, we hold to the principle that the furniture items must be preserved as authentic as possible. With museum pieces we will attempt, in the first place to stop the process of decay. If needed, the structures will be bolstered, and the original flavour of the thing will be enhanced and made more poignant. The inherent signs of the epoch will be retained, to convey the message to the generations to come.
We only opt for restoration when conservation is of no avail, due to the advanced process of degradation. Usually, those are the items in a poor physical repair, intended for further regular use. In that case we follow the epoch, style and materials, which were used when making the thing. We will restore the thing observing all traditions, so that the outcome would be like a well-preserved oldie. Thereby we extend its informational and vlsual value and
prolong its utilitarian life.
Besides the comprehensive restoration of antiquated pieces of furniture, we also make copies (i.e. produce the tables, chairs etc missing from the set), identical with the originals.
Only an expert will tell the difference, at close inspection.
We do the joinery related jobs, and the upholstery and saddler work, and we also change the cloth.
We prepare woodcuts and fretwork, and we cover wood with gold foil (22 carat) or gold paste (22 carat). We do complicated woodwork, after the drawings, we also make drawnigs
ourselves, as required by the clIent. We perform partial or full interior design with antique furnitu re.
We take pictures of all our works, the number of which has crossed the threshold of several thousand, by today. That means you will be able to get an overview of works completed and those in process.
We are an open shop and the clients cart, at their convenience follow the progress of work, our gentle approach and use of materials. We have a dozen experienced experts on job, so the dates by which we can perform will not be too long afar.
The company Jaanus Pihelgas & Co hopes to be of good use to you and offers mutually beneficial co-operation.
Truly yours,
Jaanus Pihelgas