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Massive stone - truly exclusive baths with warm surface
DUAL WALL DESIGN FOR COMFORT AND ENERGY SAVING-The progressive designers of Xonyx have developed the unique dual wall architecture off ering numerous advantages over regular single wall stone baths.
-The dual wall allows for a comfortable contoured internal surface whilst maintaining stylish external bath shapes off ering a more relaxing and ergonomic bathing experience.
-Dual wall also reduces heat loss keeping Your bath water warm for longer and conserving energy.
Xonyx massive stone baths with snow white surface are machined into a silky smooth surface quality guaranteeing hygienic surface properties and pleasing to touch.
To provide even, sturdy support for these baths and to ensure the weight is well distributed over fl oor area, a robust bottom support frame with height adjustable legs is integrated into the base of each Xonyx bath. Bath outer layer height is designed to hide the bottom support frame from the view and allow for the drain and on-fl oor siphon installation without a need for bathroom fl oor reconstruction.
Xonyx baths all come with a discrete built-in overfl ow. A neat machined slot allows overfl ow water to drain through a sealed tube hidden in the dual wall cavity. This hygienic solution also means there are no external overfl ow pipes or other visible fi ttings that would spoil the sleek Xonyx look.
Xonyx baths are all fi tted with the beautiful white Xonyx waste plug with durable and serviceable internal pop up mechanism. The absence of any visible chrome or metal fi ttings means Xonyx baths may be easily combined with tap mixers of any color or fi nishing.
Xonyx baths are delivered in a protective plywood crate on a strong timber pallet in order to guarantee all world-wide shipments in pristine condition.
Xonyx massive stone is:
-a unique composite formula created by a leading European solid surface bath manufacturer Balteco.
-a homogeneous mixture of selected mineral fi llers and polyester resin with acrylic compounds.
-baths offer in addition to exclusive designs and beautiful looks superior structural strength and scratch resistant hard surface.
Sisestatud: 27.08.2014
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