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Swiveling Rings Hiding Function and a Creative Concept: Orbit Sink
Pivoting around a metal point, Corian rings shape a wonderful modern sink called the Orbit Sink. Imagined by industrial designer Alessandro Isola as a contemporary design alternative that brightens up spaces with its sleek elegance, this exciting sink design draws inspiration from the simplicity of a cylinder. Using slices of Corian to shape three swiveling circles beneath the sink, the designer imagined a chrome ring at the top that acts like a towel rail. The swiveling spine hides drainage, allowing the sink to be installed anywhere and still look exceptional.
This is what its designer had to say about it: “An opposing disorderly aesthetic is soon created as you swivel each circular compartment around a metal pivot point. This invisible metal spine also cleverly conceals the sinks drainage, enabling positioning away from a wall. Beneath the top sink circle sits a contrasting chrome ring that functions as a towel rail and soap tray surface. The 3 swiveling circles beneath, each serve as storage compartments. The option to display pure cylindrical uniformity, or stacking circles that swivel beyond a natural balancing point, makes the Orbit Sink an interestingly irregular bathroom focal point.”
An artistic design piece and functional sink at the same time, the contemporary sink raises the bar on independent modern sink design, don’t you think?
Sisestatud: 01.12.2014
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