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Which mood do you want?

By Jessica Shapard

Color affects people emotionally, often dictating attitude and behavior. When you consider a fresh coat of paint for little Johnny’s room, selecting a color that matches your decorating tastes is not enough. You want to identify the emotion conveyed by the room.

In shades from pale to indigo, blue is the most popular color for interior walls, says Jay de Sibour, president of Color Marketing Group. This is mainly because blue has calming effects and is reminiscent of the sky and sea. It is “an effective color in chaotic times,” de Sibour says. “[Blue] is stable and something people want to reconnect with.”

Blue is also a productive color. Studies show that students score higher on tests, and weightlifters lift heavier weights in blue rooms. But forget using blue in the kitchen—it causes people to lose their appetite.

A passionate color, red is suggested for the kitchen or dining room and is also the most often-used color in restaurants. It stimulates appetite and increases the heart rate. Pink, symbolizing romance, is considered to be a tranquilizing color. University of Iowa strategically painted the visiting teams’ locker rooms pink to zap their energy.

De Sibour says that the popularity of lighter and brighter colors is on the rise, and yellow is often connected with cheerfulness. But don’t assume that any happy color will have the same effect in your home, as studies show that babies cry more often in lemon-hued rooms. The color is so strong that it is often hard for the eye to take in, so use the color sparingly.

The color of nature, green is the easiest color on the eye and has a soothing effect. In fact, the guest room of Oprah Winfrey's talk show is painted green to relax nerves. It is also used in hospitals to calm patients. But, de Sibour says, home décor is moving away from bright greens.

Sisestatud: 08.02.2005

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